Join Our Worship Ministry Team

As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace”–1Peter 4:10.

We are called to worship together, in communion with our fellow Catholics and Christians throughout the world. Prayer is not just a private, individual act; it is also a communal act, joined with the prayers of all the members of the church. This Catholic belief in the unity and community of prayer comes directly from the teachings of Jesus, who did not tell each person to pray individually to God, but who taught us to pray collectively to Our Father.

Accordingly, the members of our church come together to praise and worship God in a rich diversity of ways, reflecting the individual and unique talents that each person has. Many people help assist the community at large, through their involvement at the church’s liturgical celebrations.

Who We Are
Communion Ministers are typically fully initiated Catholics, those who have received Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Lay people are considered Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion because they are not the Ordinary Minister of Communion. {The Ordinary minister is the priest or deacon}. They have the gift of hospitality, a way of meeting and connecting with the people with whom they share the Body and Blood of Christ and a desire to be the Body of Christ in the world.

What We Do
Communion Ministers, along with the Priests and Deacons, minister the body and blood of Christ to the assembly during the Communion Rite of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The role of the Communion Minister, like that of all liturgical ministries, is more than simply a practical function. The action of ministering the Eucharistic body and blood of Christ is a ministry, that is, a service of love performed in faith for the good of the community. Many also serve at daily Mass and as Communion Ministers to the sick at home or in the hospital.

Communion Ministers also act as hospitality ministers before Mass begins by greeting people as they arrive at Church.
Communion Ministers are scheduled several times a month at weekend Masses, usually the one they normally attend. Training is provided for all Communion Ministers.

Contact Us
Please contact our Michael Wright at or (408) 867-3634 ext. 565 for further information or to join this ministry.

Who We Are
Ushers are members of the parish-men, women-and young adults- who minister to the worshipping assembly by being hospitable to parish members and visitors alike.

What Do We Do
Ushers minister to the Sunday assembly by helping people to their seats. Before Mass begins, they select parishioners to present the gifts of bread and wine at the Preparation of the Gifts. They gather the offerings of the people at the Preparation of the Gifts as well as for any special second collection. They are ready to assist people as necessary throughout the Liturgy. At the end of Mass, they pass out the bulletins.
Each Mass has a lead usher who will assign areas of the church to each of the ushers. The ushers need to arrive at least 15 minutes before the beginning of Mass for any special instructions for the day and to be available to welcome people.

Contact Us
Please contact our Michael Wright at or (408) 867-3634 ext. 565 for further information or to join this ministry.

The Church has always venerated the divine Scriptures as she venerated the Body of the Lord in so far as she never ceases particularity in the sacred liturgy, to partake of the bread of life and to offer it to the faithful from the one table of the Word of God and the Body of Christ. Dei Verbum, 211

In the Liturgy of the Word, the Church feeds the people of God from the table of his Word (cf. Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, no. 51).

Who We Are
Lectors are called forth from the community as people who can share their gift of proclamation. Lectors need clear and resonant voices, good diction, a willingness to prepare for their reading, and a commitment to learn more about the Scriptures.

What We Do
As a proclaimer of the word, the ministry of the lector helps facilitate the public prayer of the Church in the Liturgy of the Word. Lectors are responsible for proclaiming the readings in such a way that they elicit in the hearts of their listeners a love for the Word of God. Materials are provided for each lector to help in preparation for upcoming readings. Workshops and individual training are also available.

Contact Us
Please contact our Michael Wright at or (408) 867-3634 ext. 565f for further information or to join this ministry.

Pope John Paul II encouraged altar servers to understand the responsibility they have in this service to the Church, and reminded them of their duty to extend this spirit of service to care for humankind.

“Your service cannot be restricted to the inside of a church,” Pope John Paul II said. “It must shine out in your everyday life: at school, in the family, and in the different social contexts, for those who want to serve Jesus Christ in a church must be his witnesses everywhere. “

Who We Are
Altar servers are young people, both boys and girls, of the parish from grade 5 through High School. They have usually received Communion and are familiar with the Liturgy so that they can actively participate and respond to the prayers.

What We Do
The altar server’s role is to assist the priest or deacon by preparing the altar and the sacred vessels before and during Mass. The altar server also carries the cross and processional candles, holds the Roman Missal for the Priest and helps lead the assembly with the responses. As well as assisting with Sunday and daily Mass, altar servers are trained to help with benediction, weddings funerals and other liturgical celebrations.

Altar servers are welcomed at any time and training will be provided. Written material is also given for reference and review. For the first few months, the new altar server will serve with at least one other server to become familiar with serving at Mass.

Contact Us
Each server is scheduled for service several times per month, on Saturday and Sunday depending on availability. While there is also a requirement of serving for a minimum of 12 week day Masses during the calendar year, a google spread sheet (available online to families) is used to allow families to choose days that work for them.

Please contact our Michael Wright at or (408) 867-3634 ext. 565 for further information or to join this ministry.

Who We Are
Parishoners with musical talents are welcomed to join our choir and team of musicians who lead the congregation in sung prayer. Choir members, cantors and instrumentalists are welcome.

What We Do
Our liturgical music is designed to match the assembled worshippers. The musical tradition of the Catholic Church embraces a variety of different styles, sounds and rhythms. Therefore, each Mass has a specific liturgical musical style and rhythm in order to provide a broad opportunity to pray with musical style that matches each person’s music prayer preference.

“Sacred music, being a complementary part of the solemn liturgy, participates in the general scope of the liturgy, which is the glory of God and the sanctification and edification of the faithful.”–Saint Pope Pius X

Contact Us
Please contact our Michael Wright at or (408) 867-3634 ext. 565 for further information or to join this ministry.

Who We Are
Sacristans are members of the community who are available to prepare all items needed for a Liturgical Celebration. There can be several sacristans, each responsible for certain week day masses, weekend mass or parish celebrations such as baptisms, weddings, funerals and other sacramental celebrations.

What We Do
Sacristans set out items needed for Mass, such as prayer books, wine, bread, linens and vessels. They supervise the Servers in the preparation and clean-up of the sacristy and sanctuary. They care for the vestments, as well as the candles, Holy Oils, incense and other items used in worship celebrations.
There is a need for a basic understanding of the Liturgy of the Catholic Church. Training will be provided by the pastor, the lead sacristan, and the parish liturgist.

Contact Us
Please contact our Michael Wright at or (408) 867-3634 ext. 565 for further information or to join this ministry.

Who We Are
The Altar Society is made up of parish volunteers.

What We Do
The Altar Society keeps the church and side rooms in good order; they dust the furniture and statues, tidy-up the pews, wipe down the sacristy counters, clean and fill the Holy Water fonts, and water the plants. They also wash and iron the towels and linens used at the altar.

Contact the parish office for more information 408-867-3634.

Who We Are
The Church Environment Team plans for the seasons and liturgical events of the parish.

What We Do
In an effort to bring a sense of the specific liturgical season to the worship space, this team studies the instructions in the Church documents related to decorations, and the function of art, fabric, plants and flowers within the church and the liturgy. Together with the Altar Society, they implement the plan.

Contact Us
Contact the Parish Office for more information at 408-867-3634

Who We Are
Our Homebound ministers have the privilege of taking our Lord, present in the Eucharist, to those homebound members of our church, letting them know they are loved and being prayed for.

How can you receive Communion at home?

The process usually works like this: A homebound person (or one of their family members) calls in to the parish office requesting that someone from the parish come to their home to minister the sacrament. The pastor will then ask someone to minister to that person. Visits are arranged on a mutually agreeable time betwen the homebound individual and the Homebound minister.

What We Do
What does a Homebound Minister do?

The minister attends Mass at the parish, and then leaves for the home visit. You will receive a pyx, which is used to carry the Eucharist in. The person you are visiting will be expecting you. When arriving at the home, there is a prayer format to follow during which the Eucharist is given to the homebound person. All the details of ‘how and when’ are explained during training.

Who can become a Minister to the Homebound?

As with all our ministers of the Eucharist, you must have a deep faith and believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. You must be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church, and lastly, you must be willing to go out to the people, so transportation is necessary.

Contact Us
Please contact our Father Biju Varghese at for further information or to join this ministry.

Who We Are
The Liturgy Committee is made up of staff members and Parishioners directly involved with the liturgical life of the parish.

What We Do
The Sunday liturgy is the source and summit of our liturgical life as Catholic Christians. The Liturgy Committee works to provide meaningful experiences for celebrating our Catholic beliefs and to provide opportunities for parishioners to live out the message of Jesus.
The Parish Liturgy Committee serves two purposes:

Collaborate with the pastor and priests to create a deep sense of prayer and inspiration for faith development through our liturgical tradition.
Coordinate and carry out the desires to make our seasons, feasts and holy days authentic experiences of prayer and teaching moments for our parishioners.
Contact Us

For more information about the Liturgy Committee, please contact our Michael Wright at or (408) 867-3634 ext. 565.

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