Holy Yoga @ Sacred Heart
Join us for prayerful yoga classes Fridays 10:30 am – 11:30 am in the Parish Hall at Sacred Heart Church in Saratoga. Classes are free!
These gentle classes are suitable for beginners and anyone who can get up and down from the ground by themselves or with the help of a chair. Adults of all ages are welcome, parishioners and non-parishioners alike. Classes are taught by Linda Bugbee, a certified yoga teacher and parishioner of Sacred Heart. Bring a yoga mat, a firm blanket or towel, and any additional yoga props you may have (blocks, straps, bolsters). Please come 10 minutes early your first time to complete a registration form and waiver.
All classes are held in the Notre Dame Room of the Parish Hall, unless there is a funeral or other event. Then the class will take place in the Transfiguration Room (also in the Parish Hall).
Questions? Contact Linda Bugbee at bugbeemd@gmail.com.