Grow Our Catholic Faith
F.I.R.E. Speaker Series
Geary Hall 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United StatesRobbie Ocampo Associate Director of Young Adult &Youth Ministry, Diocese of San Jose Topic: Consecration to Jesus through Mary
DSJ Confirmation Conference
Mitty High School 5000 Mitty Way, San Jose, CA, United StatesFor those High School students preparing for Confirmation in 2017
Parish Lenten Mission at 1 PM
Sacred Heart Church 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United StatesSpeaker: Sr. Paule Freeburg Theme: Stay With Me How did these characters in the Bible stay in a conversation with Jesus? ... How Can I? Monday: Woman at the Well - Stays with Jesus Tuesday: Busy Martha and others Wednesday: Mary Magdalene and other minor characters
Parish Lenten Mission at 7:30pm
Sacred Heart Church 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United StatesSpeaker: Sr. Paule Freeburg Theme: Stay With Me How did these characters in the Bible stay in a conversation with Jesus? ... How Can I? Monday: Woman at the Well - Stays with Jesus Tuesday: Busy Martha and others Wednesday: Mary Magdalene and other minor characters These are repeats of the morning sessions.
Morning Scripture Study
Parish Center Dining Room 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, United StatesLed by Patrick DeLorenzo, our F.I.R.E. Scripture Study is a great opportunity to meet others, to socialize, and to learn about our Catholic Faith as we study scripture together.
Sacred Heart School 13718 Saratoga Avenue, SaratogaSPARK! Faith Formation Program for Preschool and Kindergarten Children
F.I.R.E. Faith Formation
Geary Hall 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United StatesF.I.R.E. Faith Formation Program for Grades 1-5 Students in Non-Catholic Schools, and their Parents.
Morning Scripture Study
Parish Center Dining Room 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, United StatesLed by Patrick DeLorenzo, our F.I.R.E. Scripture Study is a great opportunity to meet others, to socialize, and to learn about our Catholic Faith as we study scripture together.
Evening Scripture Study
Parish Center Dining Room 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, United StatesLed by Patrick DeLorenzo our F.I.R.E. Scripture Study is a great opportunity to meet others, to socialize, and to learn about our Catholic Faith as we study scripture together. This is not a repeat of the Morning Scripture Study.