Grow Our Catholic Faith
Deanery 5 LaserTag Lock-In – High School
The High School youth from Deanery 5 will have a LaserTag Lock-In. Deanery 5 consists of the following parishes: St. Lucy's Parish, St. Joseph's of Cupertino, St. Mary's LG, Queen of Apostles, St. Frances Cabrini, St. Martin of Tours, St. Thomas of Canterbury, Church of the Ascension and Sacred Heart Saratoga More details will follow...
Pre KAre you seeking a deeper, richer spiritual life in the Catholic Church? Would you like to be able to join your family at the table of the Eucharist? Do you want to complete the Sacraments of Initiation? Sacred Heart parish invites you to discover the riches of the Catholic faith through the RCIA process. RCIA (the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process by which adults become members of the Catholic Church. This includes adults who have never been baptized, as well as those who have been baptized in another Christian tradition. Catholics who would like to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and/or Eucharist or who would like to reconnect with their faith are also welcome to participate in the process.
Confirmation Information Night
Youth Ministry Room 13716 Saratoga Ave, SaratogaConfirmation Information Night for teens that discerning preparation to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
Youth Ministry BBQ
Sacred Heart Clergy HouseRegistration & Information about Youth Ministry Programs. click here
Registration for Faith Formation Classes & Youth Ministry
Geary Hall 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United StatesRCIA
Pre KYouth Ministry
Youth Ministry Room 13716 Saratoga Ave, SaratogaBible Study
Little Shepherd RoomLed by Patrick DeLorenzo, our F.I.R.E. Bible Study is a great opportunity to meet others, to socialize, and to learn about our Catholic Faith as we study scripture together. This Bible Study will combine historical critical method with life application. The topics will be grouped into 3 or 4-week series.