F.I.R.E. Faith Formation & Speaker Series with Patrick DeLorenzo

Geary Hall 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Join Patrick DeLorenzo for a special F.I.R.E. Speaker Series on "Why Be Catholic?" featuring videos from Mathew Kelly & Robert Baron. Open to the entire parish! Also the F.I.R.E. Faith Formation Catechetical program for grades 1-12 & Decision Point Confirmation Program will be taking place.


F.I.R.E Faith Formation & Speaker Series

Geary Hall 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Join Fr. Daniel Rolland, OP TOPIC & BIO The Arts have a long history in the Catholic Church as a means to bring Christ's teachings to the faithful. Icons, parables, music, dance, sculpture, painting, stained glass; then, radio, recording, motion pictures, television and the internet -- and now, the Spiritual Magic of Father Daniel. A Catholic priest with the Dominican Order of Preachers, Western Province, Father Daniel dramatizes his messages of faith and truth by deftly performing his life-long art of magic. He has integrated his "magical arts" into his ministry so seamlessly that he has won the applause and acclaim of the laity, fellow priests and the Catholic community wherever he has performed.   Also the F.I.R.E. Faith Formation Catechetical program for grades 1-12 & Decision Point Confirmation Program will be taking place.  

F.I.R.E. Faith Formation & Speaker Series

Geary Hall 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Steve Coates  SPEAKING ON: ST.PAUL EVERYDAY Saint Paul is the most influential person of our faith and the western world outside of Jesus. He wrote 13 of the 27 books in the New Testament. His influence, spirituality, theology has touched the fabric of every aspect of Christianity. He was a tent maker, philosopher and he traveled almost the entire known world to share his passion about Jesus and how Jesus brings meaning, purpose and relevancy to our very existence. Steve Coates, a Supervisor & Contractor and a Sacred Heart parishioner has a passion for Catholicism and the importance of Saint Paul to everyday life. Come listen to Steve talk to us about Paul in a way we can all understand.

F.I.R.E. Faith Formation & Speaker Series

Geary Hall 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Fr. Joe Kim SPEAKING ON: HEARTS ON FIRE, FORMING YOUNG DISCIPLES IN THE CHRISTIAN HOME Fr. Joe will be focusing on the call to evangelization by Pope Francis and how that looks to parents, grandparents, catechists, teachers, coaches, and all those who have the responsibility of forming young people. About Fr. Joe Fr. Joseph Kim, Director of Vocations and Seminarians, and Director of Evangelization, Diocese of San Jose, California.

First Communion Retreat

Sacred Heart Church 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

First Communion retreat for Candidates

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