First Communion Pictures
Sacred Heart School 13718 Saratoga Avenue, SaratogaDawdy Photography will be taking First Communion pictures in the Primary Science classroom.
Dawdy Photography will be taking First Communion pictures in the Primary Science classroom.
Preparation session for the parents of those children receiving First Reconciliation this year.
Join Brendan Case for our special Sacred Heart F.I.R.E. mission. Today he will be speaking on The Principles of Hearing. 12:00pm: A light lunch will be served. 12:30pm: Mission begins.
Join Brendan Case for our special Sacred Heart F.I.R.E. mission. Tonight he will be speaking on Intoxicated With the Father's Love
Join Brendan Case for our special Sacred Heart F.I.R.E. mission. Today he will be speaking on The H.O.W.S. and Journaling 12:00pm: A light lunch will be served. 12:30pm: Mission begins.
Join Brendan Case for our special Sacred Heart F.I.R.E. mission. Tonight he will be speaking on Inebriated in the Encounter of Jesus