The Sacraments

A Sacrament Is:

A Visible Sign

First, an action is performed by a minister (usually a priest). For example, when a baby is baptized in the church the priest pours water over its head and at the same time says the words “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” That is a visible sign.

Instituted by Christ

The Lord Jesus Christ instructed His church to offer the seven sacraments. “Go then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples; baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.”Matthew 28:19

To Give Peace

Grace is first and foremost the gift of the Spirit who justifies and sanctifies us. But grace also includes the gifts that the Spirit grants us to associate us with God’s work, to enable us to collaborate in the salvation of others and in the growth of the Body of Christ, the Church.


The staff of Sacred Heart welcomes you as you prepare for Baptism.

Please call the Fr. Biju at (408) 867-3634 ext. 552 or email so he can help you on this journey.

First Eucharist

We are excited to assist you in the Sacrament of First Eucharist (First Holy Communion).

Please contact Karen Wege at (408) 867- 3634 or by email so she can help you on this journey. For more information, please visit Faith Formation.

First Reconciliation

We are excited to assist you in the Sacrament of First Reconciliation.

Please contact Karen Wege at (408) 867- 3634 or by email so she can help you on this journey. For more information, please visit Faith Formation.


Middle & High School Youth Ministries meet twice a month on alternating Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 PM. Sacrament of Confirmation readiness will be at the discretion of the Pastor & Director of Youth Ministry.

For more information contact Joey Mannina at


The staff of Sacred Heart congratulates you on your forthcoming marriage and we are happy to make our facilities and ourselves available to help you. We hope that the occasion of your wedding will be one of joy and happiness, the memory of which you will always treasure.

We want your wedding day to be one of reverence, of beauty and of dignity. We are hopeful that your period of engagement will be a time of serious and thoughtful preparation for married life. We therefore ask that arrangements for weddings at Sacred Heart be made 6 months in advance. Please call the Parish Office at (408) 867-3634 so we can help you on this journey.

Annointing of the Sick & Funerals

Please call the Parish Office at (408) 867-3634.